Logistics optimization with 3 dimensions

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Quick & efficient analysis

Many companies have a strong and legitimate wish to have their logistics analysed. But if a company lacks full insight into the complex European transport market and also lacks the resources to carry out an analysis on its own and subsequently implement it, often this wish cannot become reality. This way, many companies miss out on major savings.

At CostPartner, we can ensure that the analysis will be carried out quickly and efficiently, and for you as a client it requires only a minimum time investment. In a full logistics analysis, our customers only need to put in an average of 50 hours over an analysis period of about 15-20 weeks. This means that you as a client can still keep focused on the daily business. Our project managers supply the resources and make sure that your chosen solutions are implemented.

A tailored project process

Over the years we have developed a structured process, which ensures that we go through the analysis quickly and effectively without any compromise on quality. The process also ensures that the time you have to spend on it as a client is kept to a minimum.

All our clients (of course) have individual requirements and needs in relation to their logistics. Therefore, it is important for us to understand the day-to-day operations of your company and its concrete situation. This way, we ensure we are a constant presence in your company throughout the analysis process. This is the only way we can devise an optimal and tailor-made solution that precisely meets the needs of your company.

Optimization with a broad focus

Our many years of experience in logistics, combined with our innovative and structured approach, is what we use when we need to find and utilise potentials with a long-term time horizon.

Areas of focus have a wide range – from working with routines, processes, freight optimisation, packaging and fleet optimisation to exploring the possibilities of insourcing/outsourcing. To put it differently: When it comes to optimising logistics, we look at ‘whether we are doing it right today, or whether it can be done more efficiently’.

Optimization based on actual product flow

When we have to describe your company’s future transport needs so they can form the basis of the requirement specifications which we later send to transport providers, we start from your real world. Therefore we don’t work on presumptions, but on the basis of the actual product flow. And we can clearly see the patterns and structures in the product flow when we look at your company’s transport and logistics data and consignment statistics.

For example, it may have a major economic impact if we alter a request from price per kilo to price per pallet or perhaps to price per cubic meter.

We call this form of optimisation technical optimisation. We use our BEST Simulator as an effective tool to prepare the analysis.

Optimization of price and choice of carrier

When we have carried out a logistics optimisation and a technical optimisation, we come to the price optimisation. This is about finding the right carrier and ensuring that shipments are processed and billed in the most appropriate way for you as a client.

We have a comprehensive database of carriers, and there we find the exact companies that can meet your business specifications for partners.