Savings on transport and logistics through optimization
20% savings through optimization
Transport and logistics must run effectively and seamlessly. Quality does mean a lot. The same applies to customer satisfaction. Most companies, however, can actually save significantly on transport and logistics without compromising on quality or satisfaction.
As the company’s CEO, you must constantly focus on the development of the company’s profitability and competitiveness.Optimising logistics
Transport and logistics is one of the areas where there can be major – and often overlooked – savings to be made.
As the CFO of the company, you have a wide-ranging role and responsibility within it - bringing all the threads together.Achieving savings
The objective of growth on the bottom line is, as you know, easier to attain if savings have been made.
As the company’s Purchasing Manager, your primary objective is to get the right goods and services for the best attainable price.Reducing costs
Backed by having the right basis for decisions, you can stay focused on the price negotiation.
As the company’s Logistics Manager, you know that transport and logistics rarely get the attention they deserve in companies.New opportunities
You know that there probably is the possibility of optimising and saving on logistics and transport.
Over the years, we have assembled a team of Danish, Swedish and German specialists, helping them to develop into some of the best and most experienced project managers in transport and logistics optimisation.
We function as your company’s sounding board, labour resource and ideas bank through the entirety of the process and we are with you all the way, from analysis to implementation. In close cooperation with you, we delve into all the details so that, taken together, they can lead to the optimal solution with appreciable savings on the bottom line.
That is why, we are called CostPartner.
We mean it when we say that we can find ways to save on the costs of transport and logistics within the vast majority of companies. That is why we always offer a free and non-binding preliminary analysis of the options for optimisation in your company. One of our experienced employees will take a look at your company’s process and day-to-day operations and make suggestions for future proceedings. We draw on extensive knowledge and market insight and our role is to be independent and objective consultants.
If you would like to hear more about getting a preliminary analysis of the possibilities for achieving savings on transport and logistics in your company, please contact us.
What our previous clients say
“In addition to a generated savings for our Company, CostPartners solutions have contributed to a easier everyday procedure with us. With the new setup, we can manage to ship goods the same day we receive them.
This saves us in some cases a day on the transit and processing time, which creates value – both for us and our customers.”
“Wir bestätigten gern, dass es CostPartner und uns gemeinsam gelungen ist, ein für uns optimal passendes Setup aufzustellen, das uns genügend Raum lässt, schnell und hinreichend auf aktuelle Veränderungen zu reagieren. Auch freuen wir uns sehr, dass es gelungen ist, die Transportkosten signifikant und nachhaltig zu reduzieren, was uns nicht zuletzt in einem hart umkämpften Wettbewerbsumfeld entscheidend hilft.”